Thursday, September 19, 2013

Virtual Pavilion : update 3.1&3.2 Diagram

Updated from the previous diagram which i'm not really understand what to do actually, this develop diagram explain more specific and more explanation clarify of the analyse information that related to the virtual space.
Isometric diagram of 3.1&3.2

The diagram show the analysis of the information for the thing and counter thing together in the same place, which influence the designing of the virtual space.

As the visitor entering the room that exhibit the thing and counter thing, as they came out of the room and see the huge spiral ramp in front with the complicated way to going up. The first step to give an opportunity for visitor to step up and involved with all different elements and aspect of the thing and counter thing, also on the floor as the road way have a timeline of both object narrate through the footstep of visitor, while on the way have the barrier of mist and smoke that distract some visual experience and to hide and reveal some information while giving the further distance to the visitor.

Moving up to the second level of pathway that lead to the spiral give the floating against gravity of ornaments and information of the object provided around the visitor, while the ornament itself can adapt and show according to the identity of the specific visitor while some elements and information hide and reveal through the way along.

Coming up to the spiral ramp as to symbolise the hierarchy of the thing and counter thing that react to the people surround, which both object is the object that as a centre of attention for people around, so being and animate around the spiral make it able to see the different view and visions of the things and feeling of going up that may lead to others visitor attention toward the top.

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