Friday, November 8, 2013

Further Research on Buddhist Ceremonies

Wan Kao Pansa / Wan Awk Pansa

During the first day of Wan Kao Pasa, meaning the monks must stay remain inside the temple for 3 months, people will give candles and light bubls to the monks as offering because they believe that light source symbolizes wisdom. They also offer a special clothe to the monk so that they can use during this rainy season. At the end of the Pansa (Wan Awk Pansa) religious places will place buddhist flags in front of their buildings. There will also be a big ceremony called Tak Baht Tevo which involves placing a Buddha image on a cart inside a bussabok with a big alm infront. Then the monks will walk in rows after the cart downtown so that the people may give offereings (food) to the monk, symbolising the day Buddha himself descend fromt he heaven.

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