Monday, September 30, 2013

Virtual Pavilion Update

I'm still working on the development of the model which i will add more the details of it, For the road i describe it through the value measurement through the horizontal and vertical axis.
The 3d show the level change of the road and the width changing according to the power measurement, Still on the road i will apply the material later one.

So sorry for such a slow work and quality :(

Virtual Pavilion : Update II

    I had added the culture, time, and equipment in to the space. The visitor would be able to see and experience space from different position of times and cultures. For example, he or she could be in the present and looking back at the ceremonial happening at the ancient period. Or he or she could be in the past and looking at the ceremonial that is happening at that time. The bridge and the elevated stair were added to create more realistic feeling toward the visitor. Now they could be the most powerful and the least powerful in the virtual space!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Virtual Pavilion : AR media

Just was testing out the AR-Media using Sketchup. I printed the marker and put it on a stable base so it does not affect the dynamism when moving the marker.

Virtual Pavilion Update

This is the colors I've decided to go with. Below is the updated sketchfab model. Not all the materials show. And I'm using dark background so the white wireframes are visible. In the actual Virtual Pavilion, the background color will still change according to each specific event.

Test Renderings

These are the test renderings I made. The difference between the original and the altered realities are too subtle. I'm going to make changes in the color choices and maybe use colors that are not so natural and brighter for the landscape to make it stand out from the other reality. I will also try playing with transparency.


Thursday, September 26, 2013

Virtual Pavilion Updates

Virtual pavilion Update

Virtual Pavilion : Update

I had made a grid which is not appearing here due to some reason. I plan to incorporate co-ordinates x = time and y = importance/value.

Virtual Pavilion update

View as moving along the road, see the wireframe of the museum that the palanquin located.

View along the road and see the billboard with timeline, also the temple that symbolize the meaning for palanquin.

According to the thing and counter thing both occur on the road, so i put both object within one road and different lane, each land represent the different story of the thing and counter thing. Left one is for the thing and right one for counter thing, when visitor move along the road will see the landscape that change according to the timeline of the object and the scenery beside that change according to the timeline.

Virtual Pavilion Update

These wireframe people will be placed in specific events to tell their historical context (eg. in 1873 to portray Modernization of the country.).

The landscape has been adjusted to accommodate information of both the matter of facts and the matter of concerns for the Thing and the Counterthing.

This is an example of what the viewer's perspective would be like (fixed position at (0,0) ). However, it will have to cover more of the vertical angle. Specific colors will be assigned to certain areas and objects of the virtual pavilion according to time, matter of facts, matter of concerns for both the Thing and the Counterthing.

The plane of Virtual Representation (the white grid) of the Thing has been moved upward and has contour lines of the landscape projected on. It can now be viewed without the visitor having to move to 'another room'. The Virtual Representation or in this case, the 'map' can be viewed  all at once by looking up from the ground plane. The pink lines mark the points or coordinates that were measured by the Thing from Reality to its Virtual Representation (Landscape to map).

Visitor's Perspective

Visitor's Perspective

Updated Virtual Pavilion 3D

This landscape is designed from diagram base. This pavilion will guide audiences through the process of translations from thought to physical and shows the capacity of each translating tool. What is the limit of each tool? Which tool can manifest picture narrative emotion sound 2D or 3D.

The audience can manifest their own idea by changing the initial idea. The route will lead the audience to all possible translations. 

The layout is designed for the visitor to be able to see the whole environment (diagram) first before interacts the space.

if walk straight from the translating tool the visitor will see all possible translation that can be made from that tool and each result is positioned according to its limitation. 

Vertical axis is used for timeline when the things are invented and landscape is changing by the context of each tool such as nature landscape concrete stone and sand. Size of each platform according to how widespread the things are.

Viewer's perspective

Virtual Pavilion : Update

Overview of the 3D model :


 Viewer's Perspective : View from across the river ; Face to Face

 Viewer's Perspective : View from the elevated mountain; different interface from the above.

Viewer's Perspective : View from the elevated mountain ; Looking at the training soldiers

Isometric Drawing

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Virtual Pavilion : Update

Virtual Pavilion from ashwati.joseph on Sketchfab.

Changes to be done. I plan to use modernistic grid which will serve as a base for creating co-ordinates for values.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Update: Virtual Pavilion

Final: Thing and Counterthing diagram

1. Thing and Counterthing        

Thing: "Phra Wo Sivikakarn" Royal Palanquin
Counterthing: "The Beast" Barack Obama's limousine

The diagram drawing show the overlapping of information of thing and counter thing that occur in the same place as road but different time, the road show the the history along the extended line and overlapping of thing and counter thing show the different scale of both object and along the road show the elements and exploded axonometric show the elements and ornament of the object.

Virtual Pavilion Update

Virtual Pavilion 3D model update

I still trying to upload the model onto sketchfab, but it have some error occur, so i capture screen of it first for a while.

This is the overall model picture

First scene of experience would be that the visitor go along the road scene with the ornaments around floating above.

The next scene that the car itself assemble the cover the visitor visions.

The view from inside the car, giving the new experience for visitor to experience inside the car, also looking out above to see the ornament while have the temple behind it.

Virtual Pavilion Update

Thing final

The drawing expressing the a thing and counter thing as a role playing tools used for changing an identity of a person to narrate a story or express the meaning of something with the purpose of spreading the information to various type of people, or can also be called as 'audience', intentionally or unintentionally, so that the performer-audience like relationship is both benefited. The gradient rings that surrounded the body of both thing and counterthing are the timeline ring which show the relationship of the performer and audience in different period of time as the darkest color is past and lightest color is present. The information above the thing and counterthing objects are the matter of fact or the story that both of them try to narrate out to the audience. Therefore the whole diagram is like an unknown person (in the middle) trying to be an another character to spread out information.

I don't know why the image turned grey after I uploaded it but the original one is white. I try so many times but the image still look the same.

Virtual Pavilion Update


The Virtual Grammar of Architecture
Reading Complexity. By Palm Nattaporn Bunyasirikul
If you ask an architect to choose the single most significant technological innovation in architectural history, he or she is not likely going to look in his/her own epoch for answers. Might it be Vitruvius and Marc-Antoine Laugier theory of the primitive hut? The first sticks and branches that were arranged to conform the first shelter? Or innovations in materials like glass or steel? Or maybe the harvesting of new energy forms like electricity or oil and its subsequent effects on construction? As an abstract thought, architecture exists under the laws of physics in the realm of physical reality. This is literally the foundations of architecture. In our time, we have taken the longest (or deepest) architectural leap in history, we have moved to another dimension. We are entering a digital virtual world. It is in this world, that Visceral Intricacy will operate this term, the new final frontier. 
Janny Pimchanok Kimsawat. Presenting her work  2013-08-27 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Reading Complexity : Final

2. Thoroughfare through Pak Klong Talat

This is where Latour's text is applied, " Looking at a crowd or a troop of horses we will be less aware of the exact loss of detail because we will tend to expect that the members of this mass will be identical and read them accordingly....where we are reading  and where we are 'reading in'. ( 99 Perception of Order). Would the quality of an object being shown in mass act as a deviation to the eye, or would it still have a potential to stand out taken before that you have not witnessed it before. Here is where ornamentation, elevation, framing, orientation, symmetry would provide as catalysts in provoking beauty which causes the viewer to 'read in' rather than merely read. The further Phase would continue in playing with the viewer's order of perception based on visual hierarchy, contrast and shifting. Can we control their attention when communicating the information through a virtual space including the Throne and the Chair?

The diagram of the thoroughfare deals in explaining possibilities of things that were easy to look at but were not paid attention to, due to its pre-conceived notion of textured quality. The pink strokes explain the areas that were brightly perceived and the rest in grey are the other things that were not paid attention to but could have laid eyes upon. The final thoroughfare shifts from a journeying through a narrow area towards a high ceiling roofed area( a change in threshold of spaces) where my eyes pan around.

Thoroughfare through Pak Klong Talat from Ash Joseph on Vimeo.

The final video for my journey through the Pak Klong Talat deals in highlighting things that occur at the same time but our eyes judges in providing attention only to contrasting elements at a limited spanning duration.

Reading Complexity Final Update


This video shows my perception and experience I went through while taking this thoroughfare of the Chinese Temple Wat Leng Nei Yi 2. From my experience I have developed a way of seeing and have come to a conclusion that the richness of the physical form and appearance of an architecture or even a certain object can have a psychological impact to on you, triggering your mind and pull out your memory to be present to your inner consciousness again. Here the blue highlighted objects are the ones that i have my visual focus on which can trigger me to think of another unrelated subject that is shown on another screen on the right, representing my inner thoughts at that specific moment.

Here is the drawing of my thoroughfare which shows the path I've taken from the starting point to the ending point. The blue glowing line shows the specific route I took during the walk. The blue cones represent the glances I've taken which i didn't really put enough attention to call it a visual focus. The green cones are the view scape that I and a high attention on. the highlighted dark blue objects are the ones that I have my highest visual focus. The elements with only lines are the area that have not been observe by my eyes yet my mind tend to create and fulfill the undiscovered space on its own due to the pure symmetry and continouse repitition of the design.

Reading Complexity | Final Update


This video is a 34 second extract from the total length of 183 seconds that illustrates my very own perceptive experience of proceeding through unfamiliar semiotic urban settings of a busy street in Sampeng, Chinatown, Bangkok. It mainly focuses on the perception of visual and sonic data. The particular street block was enclosed by old shophouses. Both sidewalks were occupied by stands and people selling various types of things which also took up space of the street itself. This forced people to walk in the middle of the street which slowed down the vehicular traffic. 

I have manipulated the video of the thoroughfare to portray information, both first hand and post analyzed, of my perception at that specific moment. It mainly focuses on how immediate proximity affected the process of spatial analysis and anticipation to react to such instances. By positioning myself as the "Thing", a measuring device, the grid is then set as a unit of measurement. The blue red colors expanding from the origin point measure and analyze my anticipation according to the immediate environment. When any obstacles to my walking path decision is presented and spotted, the blue turns to red. This resulted in the change of direction.

The drawing illustrates the information I perceived visually along the thoroughfare. The main orange lines are present at every three seconds. And within those three seconds, another set of lines subdivided time into 15 intervals, each equals to 0.05 second.The lines originate from my point of view at each specific location. Their lengths represent what I had my eyes on at that immediate proximity. Things that I attended to are shown with higher opacity while things that I looked at and had no impact in the process of spatial analysis and extrapolation are shown with only their outlines.

At every three seconds, black outline of my body is visible in order to describe my body orientation in relation to my cone of vision.

The blue lines indicate assessment of my orientation in that immediate environment. The length of the blue lines within the three-second interval indicates the speed at which I walked. Its length from the beginning to the end also sums up how much space I occupied for 2:03 minutes of the thoroughfare.

Reading Complexity Final Update - CHINA TOWN

       This is the diagram drawing of the thoroughfare that shows the path that I had walked in the central China Town district. The red frame that projects out alone the beginning of walk till the end is the camera angle base on my perspective. This camera view point projects out from the height of 160 meters base on the position of my eyes. There are 28 projection frames that capture every 2 second that I walk along the path. Within these frames, there are what i intended to see and not intended to see. (looking it together with the video of what walk).