Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Updated drawing and video of thoroughfare

Here's the new version of the ISO drawing of the thoroughfare I have created. Parts of the buildings that are rendered are those that were within my cones of vision throughout the 2:03 minutes of the thoroughfare. The orange lines indicate what I had my eyes on at that specific point in time. The main lines are present at every three seconds. And within that three second, I have broken it down into 15 intervals, each equals to 0.05 second. I have also drawn a black outline of my body to show my orientation and which direction I turned to at every three seconds. Things that I attended to (people, stands, carts, cars, ...) at every three seconds are of higher opacity. 

The blue lines represent the assessment of my orientation in that immediate proximity, where I anticipate to walk to according to what were in the way and how they affected my decision. The length of the blue lines within the three-second interval indicates the speed at which I walked. This also sums up how much space I occupied for 2:03 minutes.

And this is the updated video. The blue, similar to the drawing, shows what my anticipation was at that moment. If it turns red, it means that something had come in the way which resulted in the change of direction. 

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