Thursday, September 26, 2013

Updated Virtual Pavilion 3D

This landscape is designed from diagram base. This pavilion will guide audiences through the process of translations from thought to physical and shows the capacity of each translating tool. What is the limit of each tool? Which tool can manifest picture narrative emotion sound 2D or 3D.

The audience can manifest their own idea by changing the initial idea. The route will lead the audience to all possible translations. 

The layout is designed for the visitor to be able to see the whole environment (diagram) first before interacts the space.

if walk straight from the translating tool the visitor will see all possible translation that can be made from that tool and each result is positioned according to its limitation. 

Vertical axis is used for timeline when the things are invented and landscape is changing by the context of each tool such as nature landscape concrete stone and sand. Size of each platform according to how widespread the things are.

Viewer's perspective

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