Sunday, September 22, 2013

Reading Complexity | Final Update


This video is a 34 second extract from the total length of 183 seconds that illustrates my very own perceptive experience of proceeding through unfamiliar semiotic urban settings of a busy street in Sampeng, Chinatown, Bangkok. It mainly focuses on the perception of visual and sonic data. The particular street block was enclosed by old shophouses. Both sidewalks were occupied by stands and people selling various types of things which also took up space of the street itself. This forced people to walk in the middle of the street which slowed down the vehicular traffic. 

I have manipulated the video of the thoroughfare to portray information, both first hand and post analyzed, of my perception at that specific moment. It mainly focuses on how immediate proximity affected the process of spatial analysis and anticipation to react to such instances. By positioning myself as the "Thing", a measuring device, the grid is then set as a unit of measurement. The blue red colors expanding from the origin point measure and analyze my anticipation according to the immediate environment. When any obstacles to my walking path decision is presented and spotted, the blue turns to red. This resulted in the change of direction.

The drawing illustrates the information I perceived visually along the thoroughfare. The main orange lines are present at every three seconds. And within those three seconds, another set of lines subdivided time into 15 intervals, each equals to 0.05 second.The lines originate from my point of view at each specific location. Their lengths represent what I had my eyes on at that immediate proximity. Things that I attended to are shown with higher opacity while things that I looked at and had no impact in the process of spatial analysis and extrapolation are shown with only their outlines.

At every three seconds, black outline of my body is visible in order to describe my body orientation in relation to my cone of vision.

The blue lines indicate assessment of my orientation in that immediate environment. The length of the blue lines within the three-second interval indicates the speed at which I walked. Its length from the beginning to the end also sums up how much space I occupied for 2:03 minutes of the thoroughfare.

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